Anxiety Relief

There are many forms and possible causes for anxiety. Having spent nealry 30 years working in clinical mental health I can tell you even mild chronic anxiety can create problems on a road towards optimal health. Whether you suffer from mild anxiety or extreme panic disorder, my hope is that you will find some helpful information and tools in these blog pages. My mission is to help people free themselves naturally from debilitating and chronic stress & anxiety. Many of my clients/students feel they are on the anxiety-depression roller coaster. People might feel internal anxiousness, worry and fear while also experiencing fatigue, overwhelm and despair. Often, we overlook the foundations of mental health - mitochondrial health, metabolic health, addressing nutrient deficiencies and gut health. I am obviously a huge fan of therapy (psychotherapy as well as all forms of therapy), and I have found that we need a more comprehensive approach in curing crippling anxiety. In addition to therapy, quantum health strategies + nutritional therapy are important in an holistic pro-healing plan. Quantum biology offers a great deal of emerging science to help us understand true health. Quantum health strategies specifically address mitochondrial health. In the simplest of ways to describe it - healthy mitochondria drive health while dysfunctional mitochondria drive disease. If we are after vitality, east and optimal health we have to support our mitochondria. Additionally, our mood is directly impacted by our food. Nutritional therapy includes blood sugar regulation, hydration, whole-foods nutrition, mineral balance, proper digestion and fatty acid balance. Most people are surprised that mental health is directly tied to these six components of nutritional therapy. It is completely possible to transform your life from stressed, exhausted, overwhelmed and mentally depleted to vibrantly energized, focused, grounded and rested. We can reduce inflammation and heal on a cellular level which in turn cures our chronic stress and anxiety.